Prospects for use in the russian public-private partnerships for investment innovation

It is very relevant at this point in time is the development and improvement of forms and methods of innovation investment companies, taking into account the expansion potential of attracting private capital. With the development of innovative investment instruments of public-private partnership will increase the efficiency of public investment and the interaction between government and the private sector in the implementation of innovation policy. Regulations on the procedure for the implementation of PPP projects should give priority to ensuring the activation of various forms of public-private partnership and a common procedure for implementing such projects. Development and improvement of the PPP will promote transparency in the use of capital in the implementation of innovative projects, uskoreniyu their implementation, increase quality innovative products, services, technologies, development of the domestic financial market, based on the emergence of innovative financial instruments, as well as to attract foreign capital

Keywords: investing, investment innovation, knowledge-intensive high-tech enterprises, creation and commercialization of hi-tech products, the mechanism of state-private partnership


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