Diagnostics of cognitive activity indicators in innovative educational environment

Technologies, supporting traditional higher education models on the one hand, at the same time stimulate the emergence of innovative pedagogy and practice in accordance with the trend of «digital breakthrough in education». In the highly professional specialists training, the subjective effectiveness of the students cognitive activity is of great importance. When creating a personalized and adaptive educational environment in a new format of blended, bimodal or combined learning (Blended Learning, BL) based on innovative methods and tools the study of students’ cognitive activity is of particular relevance. This method has been developed for diagnosing the types and parameters of models of students’ cognitive activity using the results of testing that take into account the factors of incompleteness of information resources. The differential study results of the influence of qualitative and quantitative students cognitive-style potential (CSP) indicators and cognitive load on the cognitive activity characteristics are presented. The developed algorithms are implemented in the CAPTCHA-E program and in research on the performance of solving perceptual-cognitive problems, in the development of computer decision support systems and in educational testing systems using the characteristics of cognitive activity and cognitive load, indicators of the average tempo, speed and accuracy of decision making in binary choice tasks can be used

Keywords: learning environment, information resources, cognitive activity, decision making, impulsivity, reflectivity, simulation model


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