Circular Economy: Opportunities and Challenges of Transition in Russian Regions

The article shows that the solution to the problem of solid waste disposal is associated with the transition to a circular economy model, which is based on the use of secondary raw materials. However, this largely depends on the willingness of the population to separate collection of household waste. Using the example of the Arkhangelsk region, the authors consider the possibility and problems of introducing such a model in Russia. To find out the readiness of the population for separate garbage collection, an online questionnaire was conducted on Internet sites. The survey showed that the population is not sufficiently informed about the possibility of waste recycling, but believes that waste sorting is required. As a result of the study, the main barriers to the promotion of the new model are identified and characterized: technological, economic, regulatory and psychological. It is shown that in order to implement the circular economy model in the regions of Russia, it is necessary to create infrastructure and comfortable conditions for separate waste collection for each resident

Keywords: circular economy, solid household waste, regions of Russia


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