Risk management of innovative projects in educational organizations

The article examines the factors affecting the innovative environment of universities, as well as risk management in educational institutions of higher education. The paper identifies risks, estimates the likelihood of their occurrence and the severity of the consequences using the example of an innovative project of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The relevance of the study is based on the fact that in the modern Russian economy there is a strong aggravation of the competitive struggle of any organizations, including universities. Environmental protection is one of the important factors in modern technological developments, along with increasing efficiency and profitability. Therefore, one of the urgent tasks of universities is the creation and implementation of innovative projects in the internal elements of institutions. The paper proposes a classification of factors of the innovative environment of the university and an algorithm for identifying the most significant project risks based on statistical processing of primary information. The research is based on a primary survey of Russian and foreign stakeholders. The work uses statistical and graphical methods for the analysis of primary information. The result of the work is the proposal of a number of measures to adapt to risks, minimize or neutralize them

Keywords: risk, project, innovation, higher education institution, energy efficiency


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