Entrepreneurial university «TUSUR»: advanced experience in integrating science and business

In a rapidly developing economy focused on new knowledge and advanced technologies, the issue of effective integration of science, business and the state is becoming more obvious and important. The article provides an example of a real successful interaction between a modern university and industrial partners — high-tech companies that form the basis of the regional economy. Shown is the joint work on the implementation of serious projects of regional and federal scale, the technology of training a new generation of engineers and entrepreneurs in high-tech industries. The innovation infrastructure of the university is described as a key participant in the process under study. The mechanisms of interaction of the university with science-intensive production, technologies and the results of cooperation that ensure the competitiveness of partners and the sustainable development of the innovation ecosystem are considered

Keywords: interaction, practice-oriented learning, knowledge-based business, innovation ecosystem


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  5. Student Business Incubator (SBI). https://tusur.ru/ru/o‑tusure/struktura-i‑organy-upravleniya/departament-nauki-i‑innovatsiy/innovatsionnoe-upravlenie/studencheskiybiznes-inkubator-sbi
  6. Group Project Education. https://tusur.ru/ru/obrazovanie/innovatsionnye-obrazovatelnye-tehnologii/gruppovoe-proektnoe-obuchenie
  7. Redko, S., Tsvetkova, N., and Seledtsova, I. An approach to training specialists taking into account the challenges of the digital economy (using the example of training project activities). Innovations: 2019, 12, 22–28.
  8. The TUSUR Student Business Incubator entered the top three business incubators in Russia at universities. https://tusur.ru/ru/novosti-i‑meropriyatiya/novosti/prosmotr/-/novost-studencheskiy-biznes-inkubator-tusura-voshyol-v‑troyku-luchshih-biznes-inkubatorov-rossii
  9. In the TUSUR Student Business Incubator will be told about the opportunities of the “Kryptonite Startup Challenge”. https://tusur.ru/ru/novosti-i‑meropriyatiya/novosti/prosmotr/-/novost-v‑biznes-inkubatore-tusura-rasskazhut-o‑vozmozhnostyah-konkursa-startapov-kriptonit-startup-challenge
  10. 24 TUSUR projects became winners of the “UMNIK” contest. https://tusur.ru/ru/novosti-i‑meropriyatiya/novosti/prosmotr/-/novost‑24‑proekta-tusura-stali-pobeditelyamikonkursov-umnik
  11. TUSUR is the leader among Russian universities in terms of the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. https://tusur.ru/ru/novosti-i‑meropriyatiya/tehnologicheskoepredprinimatelstvo/prosmotr/-/novost-tusur-lider-sredi-rossiyskih-vuzov-po-urovnyu-razvitiya-predprinimatelskoy-ekosistemy
  12. UNIC of TUSUR. https://tusur.ru/ru/nauka-i‑innovatsii/innovatsionnaya-deyatelnost/unik-tusur13. The opening of the university “Boiling Point” will take place in the TUSUR Business Incubator. https://tusur.ru/ru/novosti-i‑meropriyatiya/novosti/prosmotr/-/novostv‑biznes-inkubatore-tusura-sostoitsya-otkrytie-universitetskoy-tochki-kipeniya
  13. Artsemovich, N., and Narimanova, G. Current state and prospects of innovative development of the Tomsk region. Innovations: 2019, 12, 69–77.
  14. Clusters of the Tomsk region. http://innoclusters.ru/klastery-tomskoy-oblasti/biofarmacjevtichjeskij-klastjer/
  15. Report on the state and development of the competitive environment in the markets for goods, works, and services of the Tomsk region in 2019. https://depeconom.tomsk.gov.ru/uploads/ckfinder/292/userfiles/files/%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%20%D0%B7%D0%B0%202019%20%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B4.pdf
  16. Report on the scientific activities of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “TUSUR”, 2019. https://storage.tusur.ru/files/126948/otchyot_2018_new.pdf
