Career guidance excursions and thematic lectures at high-tech enterprises as an important element of extracurricular education

The article is devoted to professional self-determination of students outside of an educational institution. The effectiveness of various formats of career guidance work of scientific and industrial enterprises with students is analyzed, namely, the organization of educational projects, professional skill competitions and interactive career guidance excursions, thematic lectures on the basics of robotics, and others. A number of recommendations are offered to improve the quality of career guidance excursions and thematic lectures at a high-tech enterprise, using the example of the Museum of the Central research and development Institute of robotics and technical Cybernetics (RTC). It is emphasized that the advantage of the developed excursions and lectures on robotics is free planning of the volume of material and the possibility of its adaptation to any age of students

Keywords: innovative excursion product, innovations in museum activities, occupational guidance, career guidance excursions, extracurricular education, educational robotics, museum pedagogy


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