Will robots be able to replace people? Assessment of automation risks in the Russian regions

The accelerating development of digital technologies can cause a mismatch between the automation growth and compensating effect of retraining and new jobs creation in Russia. About half of labour forces (40,1 mln) can be excluded from economic activities; in some underdeveloped and «oil and gas» regions, this estimate is higher than 55%. The most common professional occupations are considered highly automated: drivers, sellers, loaders, security guards. Some of them may not be ready for retraining, professional creativity and will form so called «nescience economy». Social risks are lower in technologically developed regions with an increased share of urban citizens, entrepreneurs, high level of education and incomes, and low inequality. We proposed some adaptation measures: development of continuous STEM education, formation of entrepreneurial ecosystems, support of entrepreneurial universities, etc

Keywords: digital economy, Russian regions, social exclusion, industry 4.0, technological unemployment, nescience economy, STEM


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