Concept of management interpretation and aprioristic convergence estimation of innovative federal intention programs

Presented a number of basic conceptual and methodical results related to the coordination of measures of the state stimulation concerning Russian production and economic activity in the form of formation and implementation of complexioned federal programs, fully or partially having the nature of innovation ones. Submitted the system-engineering interpretation of the federal intention innovative programs as special kind of management strategy. Shown that it is a special case of strategy of introduction of innovations into the domestic economy. Proposed scheme vision of the structure of the tools of justification and pre-realization examination of such programs convergence. Given a demo example of the appropriate assessment. Formulated the recommendations on the organization of space a priori estimation of the convergence of federal intention programs of innovative content and their semantic counterparts

Keywords: introduction of innovations, federal intention program, convergence, strategy, feasibility study, development of program, apriori examination of program


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