Principles of formation of system of the digital reporting on implementation of documents of strategic planning

The purpose of preparation of article is methodological justification of development and deployment of system of formation of the digital reporting on the implementation of documents of strategic planning representing the innovative mechanism of ensuring effectiveness of administrative decisions in the system of public administration of the Russian Federation. The basic methodological principles of creation of system of the digital reporting on implementation of documents of strategic planning are formulated, namely — the principle of systemacity, the principle of coherence, the principle of confidentiality, the principle of security, the principle of coherence. It is proved that formation of the digital reporting in the Federal information system of strategic planning (FIS of the joint venture) represents a process innovation in public administration. The key operations providing process of formation of the digital reporting are allocated: formation of the report on the established forms; assurance by the digital signature; enciphering and sending to supervisory authority on channels of telecommunication communication; formation of the reporting on implementation of documents of strategic planning. Realization of the offered approach to development and deployment of system of formation of the digital reporting on implementation of documents of strategic planning will allow to optimize process of creation of the reporting, to minimize material and labor inputs, to increase quality of reporting materials and, on this basis, to increase efficiency of public administration and strategic planning in the Russian Federation

Keywords: strategic planning, digital reporting, process innovation, public administration


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