The use of traditional and innovative marketing practices of Russian companies: results of empirical research

The aim of this paper is to compare traditional and innovative marketing practices usage by modern Russian companies. The article examines theoretical basis for the comparison of the two approaches, provides the description of innovative marketing practices, as well as the peculiarities of the development of innovative marketing practices usage in Russia. The empirical research is based on the methodology of «Contemporary marketing practices». Two stages of research were fulfilled to investigate the marketing practices usage by Russian companies. The first is quantitative: online survey, the research sample includes 303 managers from a cross-sectional sample of the Russian companies from various regions.. The second stage — qualitative: in-depth interviews with 46 respondents. To identify the specificity the investigated companies were divided into industrial and consumer. Drawing on the results of the empirical research, the innovative marketing usage by Russian companies are identified: Russian companies use a combined approach that includes practices of both traditional and innovative marketing approaches

Keywords: marketing innovations, innovative marketing practices; traditional marketing practices; transactional marketing, interactive marketing


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