Method of strategic analysis of innovative method of metallurgical plants

The aim of this study is to develop innovative tools of strategic analysis of the provisions of the metallurgical industry, promote the adoption of evidence-based decisions in the field of innovation development. A method for the analysis of innovative strategic position of enterprises in the metallurgical industry, which is based on a matrix evaluation of innovative provisions, depending on the financial condition and the level of innovation capabilities of the organization, made the proposed testing method on the example of a number of metallurgical enterprises, formulated a set of strategic objectives aimed at increasing the level of innovation development and competitiveness of the industry. The practical use of the developed method the provisions of the strategic analysis of innovation will ensure the scientific validity of the decisions and flexibility in the management of innovative development of industrial enterprises. Based on these results conclusions about the need for the metallurgical industry of unified methods of strategic analysis of the current situation of innovation, the use of which in practice will contribute to achieving long-term competitive advantages of enterprises and raise the level of innovation activity with a parallel increase in the contribution of industry to the solution of the national problem of Russia’s economic development — increasing GDP and quality of life of the population of Russia.

Keywords: innovative development, innovative position, strategic analysis, financial condition, the level of innovative features, the metallurgical industry


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