Innovative business-models of medical centers: the analysis of realization the business-process marketing tools

In recent decades, the medical industry is characterized by the transformation of the business-models, which are used by medical centers. In particular, creating a value proposition for the customer acquires the character of the network. As a result, the practice of using the different types of innovative business-model institutions in the healthcare industry is activated. In this regard, the topic of the development the analytical tools of innovative business models and assessing the quality of service provided by private medical centers is becoming increasingly important. This paper proposes an adaptation SERVQUAL-analysis tool for assessing the quality of the medical services market, taking into account the priority factors and the complexity of their elimination on the basic business processes of private clinics.

Keywords: innovative business models, private medical service market, the typology of medical centers, business modeling, value-modeling, SERVQUAL-analysis, businessprocesses


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