Innovation management system at enterprises within the framework of integrated digitalization

The article attempts to consider the process of managing innovation activities at enterprises within the framework of integrated digitalization from the perspective of entrepreneurial interaction, including within the framework of building public–private partnerships. The author’s approach to the concept of complex digitalization is proposed. The approaches to the concept of «public– private partnership» from the perspective of the formation of an innovative economy within the framework of the formation of integrated digitalization are investigated, the use of a scenario approach within the framework of a comprehensive analysis in the process of managing the competitiveness of economic entities by using the synergetic effect of the introduction of tools for integrated digitalization of technological processes is justified. The parameters of a comprehensive assessment of the innovative potential of economic entities and their readiness for the integrated digitalization of technological processes at enterprises and inter-entrepreneurial interaction in the digital environment are determined. The principles of the implementation of public–private partnership are formulated taking into account the readiness of enterprises of the north-western region for the integrated digitalization of technological processes and inter-entrepreneurial interaction in the digital environment. The indicators of a comprehensive assessment of the regional potential of the use of innovative technologies in digital format and the parameters of the assessment of regional scientific

Keywords: integrated digitalization, entrepreneurial interaction, public–private partnership, changes in management activities, innovative economy, digital space, digital infrastructure.


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