An algorithm for the formation and development of the personnel potential of an innovative enterprise based on permanent training

This study is devoted to the urgent problem of training the personnel of innovative enterprises on a permanent basis. The subject of the study is the optimization of the personnel potential of a self-learning organization. The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for the formation of human resources for a self-learning innovative enterprise based on permanent training and retraining of personnel. The research was based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists who devoted their works to the problems of personnel training and training of highly qualified personnel for innovative enterprises. The methods of expert assessments and paired comparisons were used to construct regression equations to assess the personnel potential of a self-learning innovative enterprise. As a result, the article presents an algorithm for the formation of human resources in the structure of the innovation process of a self-learning organization based on a competence-based approach to personnel training. A matrix of competencies and employee compliance with available jobs and required competencies was presented. In addition, the authors paid special attention to the choice of approaches to training specialists for self-learning innovative enterprises. Six stages of the personnel training process for innovative enterprises were proposed. The recommendations developed by the authors have been tested and can be applied at various innovative enterprises

Keywords: personnel training, competence approach, retraining of personnel, personnel potential, algorithm for the formation of personnel potential, self-learning organization.


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