The state of science in Russian regions: problems of correct estimates

The article is aimed to propose ways to improve approaches to evaluate the state of science in regions based on the generalization of existing studies on the patterns of spatial development of science and education, as well as the analysis of statistical data. The usefulness of independent evaluation of the state of science in regions (and not scientific and technological or innovative development) is justified. Proposals are formulated to clarify the role of the teaching staff in conducting scientific research and to more correctly estimation of the number of researchers in the equivalent of full employment, to positioning of universities in terms of their role in training scientific personnel and improving the quality of higher education statistics, to develop a balanced approach to assessing the age composition of researchers, to conduct multi-scale evaluations — not only by regions, but also by cities and macroregions. It is proposed to pay more attention to the evaluation of the ratio between the role of the state and business in the development of science in regions, the interaction of universities, scientific organizations and enterprises

Keywords: research and development, innovative development, regional development, science, higher education, macro-regions, cities


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