Innovation policy development: former objectives and new challenges

Summarizing the experience of different countries in the transformation of approaches to public innovation policies is not among the widely discussed issues in the Russian economic literature. At the same time, to create a basis for understanding and finding solutions to the complex challenges of innovation development that a country may face it is necessary to investigate the evolution of innovation policy. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the stages of the innovation policy transformation. These stages are considered as the basis to create of public innovation policies typology. Unlike many studies devoted to such typologies, this study takes into account not only the path of developed countries in improving the public innovation policy, but also the actual challenges that determine the policy framework in catching up countries. The paper has the following structure. First, the main terms are revealed. Then, based on the analysis of scientific literature, the stages of evolution public innovation policy and their key features are identified. This paper also takes stock the bottlenecks of different innovation policies types.

Keywords: innovation system, technological development, types of innovation policy, policy measures, system failures, global crisis


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