Russian regions scientific and technological security monitoring: conceptual aspects

The article starts papers cycle devoted to russian regions scientific and technological security monitoring We substantiate regions’ scientific activity existing assessment and analysis approaches improvement importance, structure emerging tasks and propose a methodological basis aimed at solving them. Within scientific and technological security comprehensive assessment conceptual framework development problem solving, a scheme for organizing monitoring is proposed, including economic and mathematical modeling tools, necessary for making decisions to ensure scientific and technological security. Presented concept practical aspect evolves to monitoring and control information system aimed at strategic plans analytical support for Russian regions scientific and technological security increase. In order to verify proposed conceptual aspects, we developed regional scientific and technological security indicators system, which includes five projections that characterize Federation’s subject technological and scientific development. Indicators system allows to assessment region scientific and technological development level in comparison with Russia’s average values. Each projection makes it possible to assess scientific, technical and technological potential as well as supplement state in detail and take control action accordingly

Keywords: scientific and technological security, regions monitoring, indicators system, scientific development, technological development


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