The significance of innovative industrial clusters development for the regions of presence

In the regional economy, industrial clusters — large industrial formations, specialized in terms of functionality and located in relatively small areas are of particular importance. The paper in terms of influence on the region of presence describes twelve innovative industrial clusters of the Central Black Earth Economic Region (CBEER) that is a macro-region located in the southern part of Central Russia. For that, the method of scientific comparison which makes it possible to compare objects according to a number of characteristics, highlighting the common and the different was used. The formation and development of main branches of specialization of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the CBEER was predetermined by the presence of rich natural resource potential. Innovative industrial clusters, as a rule, develop the activities of their enterprises in industries that are not branches of specialization. The paper defends the position of the importance of innovation clusters for the regions of the CBEER, as their activities lead to the diversification of the regional economy, expanding the existing industry specialization. The development of innovative industrial clusters is especially important in the current economic and political situation, since the capabilities of domestic engineering, instrumentation, aircraft manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, electronics that is industries in which innovative clusters of the Central Black Earth Region operate — actually determine the technological and technical potential of the country, ensure its economic security and defense capability

Keywords: regions of presence, clustering, innovative industrial clusters, sectoral structure, Central Black Earth Region.


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