The first results of the mass pre-acceleration of the participants of the UMNIK program

The article examines the impact of compulsory education within the framework of pre-acceleration programs on the development of young innovators' projects . Pre-acceleration programs allow their participants not only to conduct a qualitative study of the scientific idea, but also to make it commercially successful. It is established that the use of modern methods of training entrepreneurs in the field of high technologies, the use of traditional and distance learning formats have made it possible to increase the effectiveness of pre-acceleration programs. There is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of applicants for the Start program from among the grantees of the UMNIK program and, moreover, an increase in the number of supported applications. The mechanisms of influence on the quality and efficiency of pre-acceleration services of such additional requirements to programs as the study of examples of successful Russian and foreign projects, the organization of individual consultations with experts, the development of a business model of the project are considered. As a result of statistical data processing, it was revealed that the passage of the pre-acceleration program in an accredited organization increased the share of grant recipients of the UMNIK program opening their innovative enterprises, as well as the number and share of grant recipients participating in the Start program for the purpose of further commercialization of the project

Keywords: pre-acceleration, commercialization of innovative scientific projects, FASIE, the UMNIK program


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