Peculiarities of formation of new elements of the system of organization of scientific and technological development in industry

Purpose: the article contains the results of the study of ways to organize a solution to the problem of increasing the innovative activity of industrial enterprises on the basis of reforming the composition of participants in the system of scientific and technological development. Methods: when conducting a study based on the developed concept of reforming the system of organization of scientific and technological development in industry by induction, generalizations were made regarding the peculiarities of the formation of branch centers of competence and the large-scale restoration of factory science units. Results: traditional approaches to the organization of the system of scientific and technological development of industry do not allow to ensure high indicators of innovative activity in the industry. An analysis of the reasons for this situation concluded that the current practice of setting innovation priorities at the upper level of government, with their subsequent translation to industrial enterprises for practical implementation, should be supplemented by a counter-flow of demand for research and development results. Only in this case, a sharp increase in innovative activity is possible due to the development of innovations actually demanded by industrial enterprises with full information about the needs of their customers. In organizing this demand flow, the key role belongs to industry competence centers and factory science divisions. Conclusions and relevance: in order to radically solve the problem of increasing innovative activity in industry, it is necessary to restore the lost connection between the needs of production in innovations and the opportunities provided by the scientific community, but on new grounds, the peculiarities of which are dictated by the modern state and status of scientific and technical activities

Keywords: scientific and technological development, factory science, industry competence center, consortium, organization, industry


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