Organizational and economic basis for improving the waste management industry in Russia

The article examines the existing state policy in the field of solid waste management and methods of its regulation. The need to transform the current economic structure in the field of waste management is dictated by a variety of regulatory legal acts, but at the same time, it is not possible to change the process of waste management towards recycling. One of the methods of influence can be the application of the concept of a green economy, within the framework of which organizational and economic solutions are proposed to improve the industry for waste management. The paper considers theoretical concepts and foreign experience in waste management, including economic models of waste management, analyzes the waste market in Russia and the USA. Consideration of the financial indicators of companies, which are public and non-public, is carried out in order to determine the efficiency of work, as well as the usefulness for society in terms of the rational use of natural resources and improving the environmental well-being of the population.

Keywords: green economy, Earth overshoot day, energy utilization, waste management operators, dual system


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