Strategy for planning innovative activities of IT-companies for the production and implementation of cloud software products

The innovative nature of the activities of IT companies in the field of the production and implementation of cloud software products (CSP) is considered and is based on the production of such CSPs, which should be used to solve new business problems for end-users, which were not previously solved. The novelty of the proposed approach is manifested in the fact that not only production is considered, but also the organization of the implementation of its results. The innovative nature of the activity is manifested in the distinctive features of the formation of a planning strategy for this activity. Sequence of actions in the process of forming a strategy of planning innovative activities consists of four stages: determination of the content of the basic concepts of the strategy; SWOT-analysis; justification of the strategy by sections of the business plan for the production and implementation of СSP; development of the concept of strategic planning. Is formulated the author's concept of strategic planning of innovative activities of IT companies for the production and implementation of CSP.

Keywords: cloud software products, IT-companies, innovation activity, planning strategy


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