Cognitive problems solving in the electronic learning environment: the influence of visual uncertainty

The educational content designing process leading to the active cognitive skills development is a challenge for developers of a modern innovative educational environment. Transfer of intellectual actions to the computer environment raises the issue of cognitive load. In the learning process, it is required to investigate the factors influencing the cognitive load. There is uncertainty in the multimedia environment due to the overabundance of information resources. Uncertainty arises not only from the external world, but also due to the internal state of a person, which constitutes certain types of cognitive load. The main goal of this paper is the effective presentation of educational content, in particular with the presence of visual uncertainty, and the adaptation of cognitive load, taking into account the students styles. This paper have proposed a method of automated intellectual analysis of individual characteristics of solving cognitive tasks by students in the presence of visual uncertainty in the information presentation using a new approach to measuring cognitive load. This method provides the following functions: diagnosing the students cognitive potential based on cognitive style; formation and assessment of the complex problems solving performance; assessment of the educational tasks cognitive load based on an algorithmic approach to measuring the amount of information entropy; forecasting and data visualization.

Keywords: educational environment, cognitive load, visual information uncertainty, reaction time, decision making


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