On intelligence and determining the degree of products intellectualization and activities of the instrument-making enterprise

The present article contains the most famous definitions of the term «intelligence». The scientific content of this term has been establishing very slowly, since it lies in the area of intersection of many scientific disciplines and still hasn’t got a sufficiently substantiated quantitative characteristic or degree of intellectualization. The phenomenon of intelligence, as a function of the brain, is based on the concept of sensory image — a manifestation of the receptor systems function, which can be formed in any being. The article provides examples of interdisciplinary research on the study and modeling of the brain. The well-known methods for determining the degree of intellectualization are described. Most attempts to calculate the degree of intellectualization have the same drawback: the combination of intelligent functions and control automation functions occurs. The article proposes a comprehensive functional approach to determining the degree of systems and objects intellectualization

Keywords: intelligence, intellectualization, intellectual product, artificial intelligence, cognitive ability, brain, thinking, science, neural networks, decision making, psychology, dimension, robot, sensory image, intelligence degree, technology, control, function


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