Monitoring the performance of the digital health ecosystem

Digital health was interpreted as a digital ecosystem of public health. It improves public health accelerating medical diagnostics, disseminating evidence-based medicine, conducting online consultations, and supporting clinical trials. The purpose was to assess, using official statistical information and data from open sources, the elements of the ecosystem, specifically regional conditions and characteristics of the basic infrastructure, the development of domestic software, digital platforms, services, and mobile applications. A significant differentiation of regions was revealed in terms of the basic infrastructure to be used for the digital ecosystem of public health. That reduces the potential of the digital health for the population of Russia. The analysis of data on the registration of domestic software for the health care system showed that preferences for domestic software manufacturers in the purchase of goods and services for state and municipal needs are effective. The popularity of large Russian aggregators of medical services was assessed based on the data on queries by keywords and data from mobile application stores. The current level of development of Russian digital platforms, services and mobile applications is a significant groundwork for the development of telemedicine. The factor holding back the development of telemedicine is the state of the regulatory framework. Legislation aimed at allowing the use of telemedicine services for diagnosis and treatment is under consideration in the government and the parliament. A promising direction for further research is the improvement of the methodological and methodological foundations for monitoring the performance of the digital ecosystem of public health. It is necessary to analyze not only the indicators of the development of digital and e-health resources, which are specified in strategic program documents, but also to additionally develop indicators of benefits for the subjects of the digital ecosystem

Keywords: digital health, medical software, medical mobile applications, eHealth monitoring, telemedicine


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