To the question of forecasting the development of economic science

The author explores the prerequisites for defining the tasks of forecasting the development of economic science. The author studies the difficulties that arose during the formation, development and development of modern economic science, studies its problems previously studied by representatives of classical economic theory and representatives of the institutional direction, offers their comprehension, as well as reinvention the theoretical construct that have developed in the industrial era, evaluated their significance and indicates the importance careful attitude to the existing system of ideas about economic phenomena and the need to study new phenomena with their help and, if necessary, the formation of new approaches and concepts. In the selected three blocks, the author pays attention to the importance of the correctness of the definition of the forecasting object, the need to form a cognitive sciencebased model of the future, and in general its design, which must be carried out by representatives of modern economic science, raises questions about the need to categorize new terms and the development of science methodology. Separately, the author notes the actualization of criticism of representatives of economic science in their desire for verification and rejection of falsification. In this regard, the author suggests that the achievement of the goals of forecasting the development of economic science largely depends on the acceptance of one or the other side of the dilemma: the dilemma of rejecting or accepting the value of the methodological imperatives of K. Popper's falsificationism, assuming that there is a mixed approach. In conclusion, the author notes that he has a plan for further research in this area

Keywords: forecasting, economic science forecasting, economic theory, methodology.


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