Features of the human factor using in the technology development

The paper proposes an orientation to the seventh technological order with the paradigm of «not catching up, but overtaking» for the development of technologies in Russia compared to the economies of other countries. As a characteristic of this way of development, the paper proposes hybrid intelligence as combining expert opinions and recommendations of artificial intelligence tools. The rationality of the resources use determined the construction of the technological cycle «development – production – using» organization model. The negative feedback in economic circuit determines the stability of the cycle, positive feedback in the psychological circuit makes it possible to intensify its development. The specialist using as a participant in technology has caused the problem of transferring education from the service sector to the production of means of production. The paper shows that the rationality of the use of resources largely determined by the culture of communication of the cycle participants, and the introduction of an active forecast of knowledge formation using proactive feedback is an important factor in the training of specialists.

Keywords: technologies of the seventh way, human factor, hybrid intelligence, stability of the economic circuit, development of the psychological circuit, education, culture of communication, active forecast, proactive feedback


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