Science of science: program of methodological support for forecasting

The general goal of the research presented in this article: to increase the reliability of science prediction through the qualitative prediction science of science itself. For its implementation, a basic task is considered: the methodological support of the prediction of science itself. A decomposition of this problem was carried out. The possibility of reformulating the interpretation of the goal of forecast development is proposed. A continuation of the discussion on «is it possible to predict science?» is considered. The postulates adopted in the development of the research topic are introduced. The set of tasks of methodological support for the forecasting of science as a whole, individual sciences and disciplines, as well as prognostics is considered. The peculiarities science of science prediction are investigated and a new approach to the development of a qualitative science prediction based on the method of control questions is proposed

Keywords: science of science, program of methodological support for forecasting, the test question method


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