On the formation of a new paradigm of innovative systems

In the context of the formation of a multi-level and multi-dimensional «system of ecosystems» of national knowledge, social meta-management and national economy, the innovation system plays the role of a multi-network system of strategic links that complements the operational interaction between ecosystem institutions. The organizational and structural mechanisms of the innovation system should ensure the innovative and mutually supported development of each of the ecosystems, ensuring global competitiveness and security, a favorable future for the country in the face of fierce global hypercompetition for the future. The article deals with the problems of transformation and coordinated development of the ecosystems of knowledge, economy and meta-management of the country and the role of the innovation system that ensures their adaptation, strategic connectivity and global competitiveness in the context of continuous transformation of the deep foundations of the modern world order. To maintain the integrity and relevance of the knowledge space, the ability to predict development, it is necessary to move to models whose complexity approaches the complexity of the real world, which, in turn, requires the creation of a new «multi-network» organizational and management model for science, economics and management, as well as a linking their innovation ecosystem. For complex systems, traditional tools are complemented by new ones — living laboratories, intelligent repositories and digital passports of Russian researchers. The proposed organizational and structural solution has a high potential for the formation of an innovatively developing human-oriented model of the economy and a fundamental increase in labor productivity and the gross domestic product of Russia.

Keywords: innovative development of the economy, knowledge ecosystem, innovative ecotone, improvement of science, multi-network, living laboratories, intelligent repositories, researcher's digital passport


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