Oil and gas complex of Russia: development scenario

The article analyzes the current state of the oil and gas complex of Russia under the conditions of sanctions, falling oil prices, considers new challenges associated with a catastrophic decrease in demand for restrictions introduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The interaction of Russia in the framework of OPEC+ in order to stabilize the hydrocarbon market is considered. The article shows that a serious problem of modern development is the state of the resource base of Russian companies, which affects the structure of industrial reserves that are in the stage of declining production. The problems of technological equipment of the industry are considered. An assumption has been made of a further change in the development of the industry due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to which the development scenario existing until recently is being transformed, the structure of the energy industry as a whole will change in favor of low-carbon sources. To solve the challenges it is necessary to make large investments in the development of modern technologies, digitalization of the industry

Keywords: oil and gas complex of Russia, energy market, sanctions, OPEC +, resource base, low-carbon sources, COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization


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