Entrepreneurial and economic activity of the rural population as a key factor in the development of rural territories

The main driver of rural development is human capital, which provides a more complete use of local natural resources, through the implementation of entrepreneurial and economic abilities and skills of rural residents. Agriculture is the basic industry of most rural areas, and the level of its development primarily affects the well-being of rural residents. In recent years, rural areas have been experiencing increasing disparities and uneven development, which leads to a narrowing of the economic space and an outflow of the active part of the population to cities. The typification of rural space depending on the remoteness of the regional center and large cities most clearly characterizes the emerging trends and patterns of functioning of rural territories, and allows you to determine which forms of entrepreneurship and management prevail depending on the remoteness of the center. High-intensity agriculture through the use of economies of scale and modern technologies has accelerated the displacement of labor resources from the production sector, increasing unemployment in rural areas. When the market is saturated with food, competition in the food market increases, which leads to the bankruptcy of agricultural producers with the worst rental conditions, which also creates additional tension and unemployment. In these conditions, a certain stabilizing social role in rural areas is played by small forms of management: personal subsidiary farms (PSF), individual farms (IF) population and K(F)X. In this regard, an important task is to identify the problems of their devel-opment, determining the conditions under which some of them can become competitive producers in the local food market

Keywords: organisations agricoles, compression de l'espace, entrepreneuriat, croissance économique, typage, territoires ruraux


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