Development a methodology for a comprehensive assessment and forecasting of the region's innovative development using a self-organizing neural network

The purpose of this article is to study the opportunities that arise from the use of neural network data processing technologies for a comprehensive assessment and forecasting of the innovative development of regions. The article substantiates the advantages of modeling using a neural network approach, which implies the use of neural networks that can learn and generalize accumulated knowledge to solve problems of classification, identification and forecasting. This ultimately allows you to combine the mechanisms of regulation and self-organization in the management of regional innovation systems. The author proposed the use of self-organizing (evolving) neural networks. Using the principles of self-organization allows us to synthesize multilayer neural networks on an incomplete, non-representative training set. As a result of the study, the general concept of the neural network was implemented to solve prognostic tasks in the regional innovation system, which is the basis for the development of systems for managing the economic growth of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation due to the innovative factors

Keywords: innovation, control algorithm, assessment methodology, neural network approach, machine learning


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