Improving information systems and digitalizing the work processes of the Territorial fund for compulsory medical insurance of the Leningrad region

The aim of the study was to plan the implementation of a unified software package for data processing in the Territorial Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Leningrad Region. The study provided a comprehensive analysis of the existing information systems of the fund and the work processes of employees. The main problems to be solved were the fragmentation of information systems in the territorial fund, the large time spent on obtaining information, a large number of employees engaged in obtaining information from various sources, incomplete automation of data processing, incomplete compliance with national projects of the Russian Federation. The work processes to be digitalized were revealed, specific measures for the implementation of the project were defined, an assessment of labor costs was carried out, the dates for the implementation of activities, financing needs were indicated, investment attractiveness was calculated, and a forecast of possible risks was given. The functions and tasks of the software package were defined: conducting inter-territorial accounts, conducting territorial accounts, expert activities, planning and monitoring the implementation of the territorial compulsory medical insurance program, information support of insured persons. The project has a practical orientation, its content is fully consistent with the regulatory documentation in force in the Russian Federation. To date, the Territory Fund for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Leningrad Region has launched the implementation of the project activities. The implementation of such projects is important both at the level of the Leningrad Region and other regions of the Russian Federation

Keywords: healthcare, information platform, territorial compulsory health insurance fund, digitalization of healthcare


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