Digital goods in service and digital economy

The article reveals the features of the transformation of goods and services in the context of the large-scale process of digitalization and networkization. The conclusion is drawn about the formation and development of information technology and the use of digital services and services based on integrated digital services, which are currently becoming universal and comprehensive. The theoretical position is substantiated and the definition of a service-digital economy is given, its main features and features are revealed. The contents of the concepts of «digitized good» and «digital good» are disclosed. The author’s definition of the concept of «digital good» is given, which is understood as a network good in digital form, located and existing in the global network, having network value and not having an analogous material form in the physical economic space. The analysis of the features of the manifestation and circulation of digital goods associated with minimizing costs and the emergence of network effects. A feature of digitalization of services is disclosed, which is aimed at implementing the principle of «business on demand network» and is associated with the satisfaction of demand, focused on the result and the requirements of network consumers

Keywords: service-digital economy, digital good, digitalization of services, network effect


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