Development of a model for forming HR-brand IT-company on the basis of identifying factors of positive perception of organization as an employer

Human resources marketing is focused on solving the problem of long-term provision of the organization with human resources of appropriate quality, the problem is especially acute in the conditions of resource limitations of IT industry specialists. Properly structured activities of the company to create and promote its HR brand is an important condition for attracting talented and successful specialists. The article reveals the main factors of employer attractiveness for IT-specialists, identified as a result of the author's study. Based on the model for building an HR brand of R. Mansurov, taking into account the identified factors of the company's attractiveness as an employer for IT industry specialists, the article provides an example of building an HR brand formation model for IT companies

Keywords: labor market, HR-brand of a company, factors of attractiveness of a company as an employer, value orientations of a company, IT-specialists, model of HR-brand formation


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