Technology transfer in Russia: current state and prospects of development

In article problems of formation and development of technology transfer domestic system are considered. Author of article sets a task to consider the current state of the innovative sphere of Russia, to analyse features and dynamics of a technological transfer, to reveal prerequisites of technological development of the Russian economy. In work author uses system approach, the comparative and statistical analysis. In article conditions of interaction of institutional structures (the state, spheres of science and education, the industry) in the course of a technological transfer come to light. Based on the analysis of various indicators of innovative development of Russia and foreign countries (Global Innovative Index, trade in technologies, dynamics of export and import of technologies, etc.), options of scientific and technological development of the country, the conclusion about need of formation of the organizational and economic system promoting creation of hi-tech competitive goods, improvement of structure of export by means of reduction in raw orientation and increases in a share of innovative production in it is drawn

Keywords: technology transfer, Russia, innovative process, export, import, dynamics


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