Evolution of transport infrastructure for climate protection: development of innovative automobile transport technologies in Russia and in the world

The transition to electric vehicles is considered one of the most promising ways to decarbonize the transport, allowing combining economic growth and reducing negative impacts on the environment and climate. However, such questions as how far the process of electrifying land transport can go in the current structure of the economy, will there be fuel or raw material constraints when switching to electric vehicles and, most importantly, will the transfer to electricity solve the effects of climate change remain opened. This paper attempts to answer this questions on the time horizon until 2030. The article analyzes the dynamics and the main drivers of electric transport development in 2013-2017, forecast the growth of the electric vehicle market and the dynamics of demand for raw materials, fuel and materials for the production of batteries and engine components of electric vehicles, and environmental effects from the development of electric vehicles

Keywords: electric cars, climate change, environmental effects, resource constraints, forecast


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