Methods of evaluation of options for the formation of an innovation cluster in the science city

Purpose: in article, the technique of assessment of options of forming of the innovation cluster in the science city is proved. Methods: when carrying out a research methods of economic statistics, expert estimates and business simulation are used. Results: the technique of assessment of options of forming of the innovation cluster based on scientific-industrial complex of the science city of Fryazino is proved. Recommendations and sentences in work are directed to achievement of competitive development of the domestic industry of radio electronics. Massive creation of the innovation territorial clusters is recognized as one of the general directions of creation of a national innovation system of modern Russia. Meanwhile, the variety and inconsistency of normative legal acts about industrial clusters, special economic zones of technology development type (TIT SEZ) and territories of the advancing social and economic development which also have signs of cluster educations complicates the choice of an perspective solution on what mechanism should use in each case. Therefore within the conducted research the technique of assessment of versions of management decisions based on definition of degree of compliance of a status of elements of a business model of the created cluster to their target values is developed. Conclusions and Relevance: application of the recommended methodical approach and an algorithm of assessment creates an objective basis for comparison of versions of organizational management decisions on association of opportunities of science, the higher school, and business within the cluster project implemented by administration of the region. Researches are based on the analysis of experience of the science city of Fryazino, however, it is represented that the recommended technique can be useful not only for the similar cities with the special status, but also for other regions having premises to obtaining synergy from the located innovation potential. The choice of a way of implementation of the cluster project based on the analysis of a business model of the created new organizational and economic system has under itself long-term successful experience of a research of business models at justification of investment projects and therefore, it is necessary to believe, it will be viable and productive

Keywords: science city, radio-electronic cluster, national research center, assessment of options for creation, special economic zone, methodology


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