On the problem of production diversification at enterprises of the Russian defense industry complex

This paper motivates the nesessity and possibility of diversification of the military-industrial complex of Russia to begin with internal effective demand, which includes motor-cars and consumer electronics. It is pointed out, that Russia has companies, competitive on global worldwide markets of oil, gas, aluminium etc., but has not companies, competitive on worldwide markets of high technology production such as semiconductors, electronics, motor-cars etc. It is stated, that «Internet of Thing» technology is a threat, which is not realized by society thus far. It is stated also, that this threat may be parried by diversification of the military-industrial plants of Russia, aimed at the manufacturing of long-life and retreadable motor-cars, radioelectronics and consumer electronisc in addition to the energetic, transport and atomic production

Keywords: competitive ability, diversification, military-industrial complex of Russia, commodity production, global worldwide markets, «Internet of Thing» technology, consumer electronisc, motor-cars


1. V.B. Betelin On the Problem of the Digital Economy Formation in Russia. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2018, Vol. 88, №1

2.The program "Digital economy of the Russian Federation", approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation №1632-P of July 28, 2017

3. https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/news/2017/07/24/725627-almaz-antei

4. https://www.itic.org/dotAsset/bdce6de4-8a00-49c5-a7a9-4dfb95609a76.pdf.

5. https://www/kommersant.ru/doc/3548661
