Methods of forecasting economic efficiency of aviation technologies inter-industry transfer

The method of forecasting the economic efficiency of aircraft technologies transfer to other industries, primarily transport and power engineering, is proposed. As an indicator of the recipient industry products effectiveness, the total cost per unit of goods produced with the help of these products is taken, for example, per ton-kilometer, kilowatt — hour, etc. The costs are divided by the life cycle stages (research and development, production, operation). It is proposed to consider the reduction of total unit costs due to the use of these technologies as a criterion of efficiency of aircraft-building technologies transfer in this industry. It is shown that the transfer efficiency of aviation technology, very advanced but expensive, depends on the breadth of the model range of the recipient industry, the serial production of products, the intensity of their operation. We revealed the groups of aircraft technologies that have significant potential for transfer to other industries, and groups of technologies, the high cost of which is unlikely to pay off by improving the various characteristics of products

Keywords: transfer, aviation technology, efficiency, forecasting, economic-mathematical model


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