Accelerating the commercialization of innovations on the synergetical basis

The theoretical model is developed and the practical method for shortening the time of substitution of outdated technology by innovative technology is offered on the basis of the random processes theory and the informational entropy criterion. The method is based on a synergetical approach, analysis of the passage time for bifurcation points on the technological development trajectory, as well as on the control of input flows of the updated system. Analytical and graphical dependences describing the dynamics of the information entropy and its increment rate over time for three characteristic modes of being (old, bifurcation and new) for the updated system are obtained. The dependences of the mode of being of the updated system, as well as the time of passage of the system through the bifurcation point from the distribution function of a random process of external influences on the system are revealed. The acceleration of innovation can be achieved by reducing the time of the updated system through the bifurcation points due to the rational management of input investment and information flows. Examples of the typical trajectories for technological substitution and scenarios for the approaching the updated system to the attractors of technological development are given

Keywords: frugal innovation, bifurcation point, informational entropy, attractor of technological development, synergetics, technological substitution, accelerating the commercialization


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