Mechanisms for development of social innovations: application of foreign experience in Russia

In present economic situation, the economic value generation is seen as key incentive for innovation. Hence, there is a need to develop a new approach to innovation development that enables society to solve social problems using innovation through interaction and cooperation. Consequently, it is necessary to create a favorable environment for the development of innovations that create both economic and social value. A methodological basis of the study is systemic approach. In the framework of systemic approach, social innovations are viewed as changes in institutions, leading to the emergence of new routines (traditions) or practices. The use of benchmarking, comparative, historical analysis to the study of foreign experience of social innovations made it possible to identify the best practices for creating conditions for social innovations development, organization of innovation process and implementation of systemic innovations. Based on the information collected, key mechanisms for the development of social innovations have been identified, in particular, the advantages of using innovation intermediation were demonstrated. The authors investigated the systemic capabilities of «Living Labs» approach in promoting social innovations in Russia

Keywords: social innovations; development mechanisms; systemic approach; systemic innovations; innovation intermediation


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