The monopolization of high technology markets and intellectual property rights as the law of development of world economic system

The data presented in this article prove that the patent landscape with a high degree of reliability reflects the process of formation of technological oligopoly in the markets formed by the goods of the new technological agenda. On the example of the analysis of the technological field «seed Growing, selection and production of plant protection products», which revealed the monopolization of the market of elite seeds and plant protection products in 2018, it is shown how patent landscapes can be used to objectify the competitive situation that develops in the markets subjected to technological transformation. It is shown how the analysis of patent landscapes allows to estimate duration of the period enough that the company which has chosen as the direction of diversification of the business the new technological area achieved technological leadership and monopolization of the market in this new area. The example of the strategy of technological diversification of the pharmaceutical company Bayer, which provided the company with the achievement of almost monopolistic rights in the market, confirms the found regularity, reflected by the dynamic analysis of patent landscapes. The conducted research allows to identify the determinism of the functions of various participants in a competitive space, emerging in the new technology-generating the future market area. The authors identify a group of donors of scientific and technological developments, which, as a rule, are universities, research centers and startups that create a scientific and technological reserve, protected by a portfolio of patents. It is shown that the recipients in the technological field are large industrial companies, in the development strategies of which the advanced technologies transforming the market appear only when they have already proved the market prospects

Keywords: high-tech market, monopolization, competitive landscape, intellectual property rights, competition, leadership, technological area, seed breeding, production of plant protection products


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