Method of assessing public damage from information closure based on DEA and game theory approach

In this paper we propose a method for measuring damage from information closeness of companies based on the DEA methodology and cooperative game theory, as well as an algorithm for distributing public gains from disclosure of information about the environmental aspects of the company’s activities, that can be used as a basis for the mechanism to stimulate the growth of information transparency. The developed method is specially adapted for solving practical problems of selecting projects for the modernization of electric power industry enterprises, but it can also be used to solve similar management problems in other sectors of the economy that have a significant negative environmental impact on the environment. The main advantage of the developed method of measuring public damage from information closeness is a holistic approach to the definition of the concept of the company’s environmental performance, which allows to take into account both technological and managerial aspects and does not require detailed analysis of the enterprise’s production system

Keywords: environmental effects, electric power industry, modernization, analysis of the functioning environment, game theory


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