Innovative development of the regions of Russia: regionalization of regions

The work continues a series of articles devoted to the problems of innovative development of Russian regions. In this article, the approbation of the rating methodology for the rationing of Russian regions by the level of innovative development is shown. To describe the applicability of this methodology, examples are given of an analysis of the dynamics of the development of one of the innovatively developed regions, the Nizhny Novgorod region. The results of the rating of the regions of Russia according to the level of innovative development for 2015 are given. All regions are divided into five groups corresponding to different levels of innovative development

Keywords: innovative development, ranking of regions, relative growth (decrease) of the rating


1. Ю. М. Максимов, С. Н. Митяков, О. И. Митякова. Инновационные преобразования как императив экономической безопасности региона: проблемы инновационного развития//Инновации. 2011. № 3. С. 38-43.

2. Рейтинг инновационного развития субъектов Российской Федерации/Под ред. Л. М. Гохберга. Вып. 4. М.: НИУ ВШЭ, 2016. 248 с.
