Competency modelling in the digital education technologies

The article presents the guidelines of the competency modeling methodology invariant to subject domain, type of activities and psycho-pedagogical platform. The core of this methodology is systematics of the expandable metamodels adaptable to application conditions by profiling mechanism. The methodology is aimed at creating conditions for interoperability of systems and services that make up a digital education, dealing with competency description due to possibility of flexible selection of such interaction level, good information structuring and formalization, selection of competency description units repeatedly used in various contexts, as well as ontological approach. One more purpose of the methodology is preparation of grounds for realization of smart features of digital education technologies: adaptation, inferring, self-learning, anticipation

Keywords: competency unit, educational information environment, competency modeling, metamodel, ontology, competency repository, smart e-Learning, digitalization, digital economy, digital education


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