Capabilities of organization goal cascading among the participants of agile-projects

The article considers the essence of the Agile-approach, which is actively used by IT, also by other business companies as a special form of project activities in the organization. Taking into account the new requirements for organizing the activities of participants in Agile-projects, the question becomes urgent: how in this approach, which is new for organizational practice, manage the goal setting of employees? The experience of Sberbank, which among the first domestic companies began to use Agile in its activities, was able to organize the work of the employees of the Retail and IT blocks in a new way was highlighted. The tools for systematically cascading the goals and tasks facing the Agile-organization from Managers to the direct executors of the project teams was studied

Keywords: innovation, project management, Agile, flexible development methodology, project activity, goal setting, team management


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