The concept of development of a functionally complete innovation system of a university

The article investigates innovation systems. The innovative multi-level systems are studied, and the method for design of innovative systems of corporate level is proposed. The method in based on the basic principles of effective business structures development. This method provides a systematic approach to design of corporate innovation systems and functional completeness of the developed system. Its feature is the use of functional-parametric model of the designed system, as well as analysis of the characteristics of high school educational institutions from the perspective of innovation management. The main focus of the procedure is done on the development of innovation infrastructure and support mechanisms for innovation at the corporate level. The use of this method for the creation and development of corporate innovation system of educational institutions of higher school will provide its integration with national and regional innovation systems, and will help create a favorable climate for innovation.

Keywords: corporate innovation system, high school, effective business organization management, functional design, system approach


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