Legislative actions of research universities in Kazakhstan

The review of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of commercialization from the point of view of their influence on development of innovative ecosystems of research universities is provided in the article, the main problems in the commercialization`s field of the results of scientific and technical activity of higher education institutions are presented. The legislation existing in Kazakhstan the Law of RK «About Science» from 18 February 2011, «About the state support of industrial and innovative activity» from 9 January 2012 the patent law of RK from 16 July 1999, and also legislative initiatives, in particular adoption of «The law on commercialization of Results Scientific Technical Activities», are urged to provide development of the knowledgeintensive economy, to promote introduction of innovations, to stimulate and stimulate the interest participation of the authors and persons assisting commercialization in the creation and use of Results Scientific Technical Activities for the purpose of ensuring bringing innovations to the market. For creation of the standard and legal base promoting effective development of system of commercialization in the country it is necessary to consider interests of all interested parties in commercialization of intellectual property for ensuring stability and safety of investments and their subsequent introduction in real production. A key factor for the majority of laws in the field of commercialization of objects of intellectual property is decrease in barriers to involvement of scientists in commercialization of Results Scientific Technical Activities, and also stimulation of the private sector to cooperation with Higher education institutions and the scientific organizations for the purpose of commercial use of technologies created by Higher education institutions and the scientific organizations.

Keywords: research university, innovation ecosystem, innovative activity, scientific and technical activities` commercialization results, office of technology commercialization, methods of stimulating the development of commercialization


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