On the implementation of Tomsk universities and industry partner complex projects related to the creation of high-quality production

The article is devoted to the analysis of Tomsk city higher education institutions cooperation development and organizations implementing complex projects on creation high-quality production. It is reported that due to the close cooperation in the implementation of projects on the one part a variety of Tomsk universities and on the other part created at universities innovation infrastructure with the departments and research laboratories, all the complex that started in 2010 was successfully implemented.

Keywords: complex project, commercialization of the development, industry partner, high-quality production, cooperation, innovation infrastructure


1. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel'stva RF № 2227-r ot 8 dekabrja 2011 g. «O Strategii innovacionnogo razvitija RF na period do 2020 g.».
2. Postanovlenija Pravitel'stva RF ot 4 sentjabrja 2010 g. № 218 «O merah gosudarstvennoj podderzhki razvitija kooperacii rossijskih vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij i organizacij,
realizujushhih kompleksnye proekty po sozdaniju vysoko-tehnologichnogo proizvodstva».
